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Thinking & Learning

Milk and Cookies

Psy 02-001

Understanding Human Ideas in Context


Psy 02-003

Entropy, Neural Network and Intelligence


Psy 02-005

Human Nature, Doomsayers and Alienation

Coffee in Nature

Psy 02-007

How Three Math Geniuses

Contribute to AI

Snowcap Mountains

Psy 02-009

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 1 - Possible Worlds (p.19-46)

Book and Pen

Psy 02-011

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 2 - Imaginary Companions

Concrete Wall

Psy 02-013

What is Consciousness and Self?

Wooden Table

Psy 02-015

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 3 - Escaping Plato's Cave

Dry Plants

Psy 02-017

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 5 - Who am I? Memory, Self

Heart Shape

Psy 02-019

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 8 - Love and Law (p.202-233)


Psy 02-002

Summary of Pinker, S. (2018). Enlightenment Now: Preface and Introduction

Wild Mushrooms

Psy 02-004

Summary of Steven Pinker's Data in Enlightenment Now

Sand Dunes

Psy 02-006

Adolescent Growth: Physical, Psychological and Emotional Aspects

Two Dried Leaves

Psy 02-008

Summary of Steven Pinker's Chapter 21: Reason

Marble Podiums

Psy 02-010

How a Child's Mind Capture Information and Form Concepts

White Rocks

Psy 02-012

Gopnik's Blicket Machine:

What's It About?

Shelf Top

Psy 02-014

Scanning through The Philosophical Baby on Blicket Machine

Geometric Curved Podium

Psy 02-016

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 4 - What is it Like to be a Baby?

Dropper Bottle

Psy 02-018

Reading Notes on Alison Gopnik (2010): The Philosophical Baby

Chapter 7 - Learning to Love (p.179-201)


Psy 02-020

What DO I Learn from Alison Gopnik's The Philosophical Baby

©2022 by Rex Li

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